Scottish Equitable and other insurance firms throughout Britain have benefited from working with us.

Scottish Equitable plc, Scottish Equitable House
Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9SE
Telephone: 0870-242 6789 Fax: 0870-242 6788 Website:

Your Ref:
Our Ref: FIN/SL/17.12/KL2
Date: 18 December 2002

Dear David

Following your review of our stationery, print and courier spend, I would like to thank you for the non-intrusive way you were able to obtain the data you needed.

Your subsequent report has been extremely useful in providing us the information we needed on usage and price with which to negotiate a better deal with our suppliers and improve the effectiveness of our spend.

I would have no hesitation in recommending you and your methodology to other organisations.

Yours sincerely

S Lloyd
Group Finance Manager

Scottish Equitable plc, Registered Office: Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9SE.
Registered in Scotland (No. 144517).
Regulated by the Financial Services Authority. A member of the AEGON UK Marketing Group.

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